Commercial Blueprint and Design Services

Commercial Blueprint and Design Services

At NOVA Facility Solutions, we know that there isn’t one design format that works across the board; different buildings and different visions will require a unique plan. When you take advantage of our commercial blueprint and design services, we create custom plans that differ from one project to the next. Moreover, we treat it as a collaborative process. We are not trying to create the simplest or most expedient designs. We want you to feel good about the project at the end of the day—and the only way that happens is if you feel that your needs have been met. Our expert team at NOVA Facility Solutions is capable of preparing commercial designs to meet even the most demanding requirements. 

We consult with our clients throughout the entire design process. This ensures that our designs and your vision never fall out of sync as we progress from one step to the next. This is accomplished by having a firm understanding of your vision, the purpose of your design, your budget, deadlines, and burgeoning construction techniques. Our experience with past project and construction management ensures that we stay on schedule and deliver and product that meets your varied needs.

We make sure to refer to architectural best practices and building code requirements in the formulation of our custom designs. We also refer to industry-wide, cutting-edge developments, so our designs stay ahead of the curve. Our buildings are designed with technological advances in mind so that they have a staying power otherwise uncommon in the industry. This ensures our designs remain futureproofed for as long as possible and are easily updated when needed.

If you need a truly unique design drafted up in Washington D.C., Maryland, or northern Virginia, reach out to us—we are here to help. Collaborate with a commercial blueprint and design provider that cares about your specific requirements and has a track record of bringing unique visions to life. Contact us today to get started or reach out to learn more.